Advanced Accounting

Using accounting as a support for business decisions, and not solely to know what taxes your company is going to pay, is very important.

With CapitalZone, company accounts, records and everything that is sent to Accounting can be processed on a daily basis, producing information and giving the ability to timely change what isn’t going well and achieve the company’s goals.

With the Advanced Accounting, you have access to the performance report of your company and all your documents are in the cloud! So you can check them wherever you are to make important decisions and correct the course of your business.


Forget the traditional Accounting method, where you collect all your documents and send them to accounting after the end of the month, which usually occurs after 5 to 15 days, where they are received by the Accounting Office to process, which may take other 15 days. When the company’s maps are made, usually after 30 to 60 days, what was going wrong in your company could not be fixed in time and what was going well could not also be enhanced! To get the best potential from your company you need to be fast and efficient. With CapitalZone this is what happens: fast and efficient!

Know the type of services we can provide to your organisation


  • Documents processing
  • Documents in the Cloud
  • Invoices and other tax docs
  • Customers and suppliers account balance
  • Tax and management maps


  • Monthly


  • Monthly


  • Weekly


  • Daily