Government and UE Loans and Grants

The Enterprise Qualification (a bet on innovation and productivity) and Internationalization, remain priority areas.

The National grants program “PORTUGAL 2020” is here!

Financing with non-refundable incentives (grants) is a very important tool to enhance the investment of companies and help them get to be more productive, more innovative and reach more markets.

The submission periods are open for a limited period of time where applications can be made.

In order to be able to respond in time, it is appropriate that the first steps are taken in advance.


Investments in Portugal

  • Applications supporting the Qualification, Innovation, Technological Development and Internationalizsation of companies.
  • Applications on the Agriculture segment and the Processing of Agricultural Products through the PDR 2020.
Program supporting entrepreneurship for unemployed people.

For people who are receiving unemployment welfares, the possibility to receive it in full to promote investment, coupled with the possibility to access banking credit with subsidized interest rate, if necessary, is a tool to assist new entrepreneurs at an early stage, when all support is helpful!

Our experience in this area is vast and very successful; we have hundreds of customers who can assure it!

ELIGIBILITY-Beneficiaries of unemployment subsidies who have a viable project that originates at least the creation of his own job.

SUPPORTS – Full payment of Unemployment Grant yet to receive.

– Possibility to access Banking credit with subsidized Interest rate (MICROINVEST and INVEST + lines)

The Internships program gives the opportunity for your company to hire PhDs, Masters, Graduates and holders of the 12th grade or even the 9th grade diplomas, during the period of 9 months financed with non-refundable grants by 80% for the first internships and 65% for the 2nd and following internships.

This is an opportunity to integrate people with skills and some experience, providing an adjustment period that can be very useful for your company and the trainee.

The purpose of this measure, although not obligatory, is that after the internship period the companies chooses to hire the trainee.

If the company chooses to keep the trainees, it will be eligible to receive further tax benefits such as exemption to pay social security from 12 to 36 months plus another grant of approximately 50% of the trainees’ wages if the contract has no term, or 6 months of wages if the contract has a 1 year term.

Eligibility – Youth people aged 18 to 30 years, enrolled in the IEFP (Employment office). Investment Loan – Financial support up to 75%. The Young investors must have at least 10% of the investment in Equity.
Loan repayment – grace period of 6 to 12 months, reimbursement in 18-48 months without interest.
Non-refundable grant – Worth € 2,515.32 for each promoter that creates his own job through the project, up to a maximum of 4.
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